Understanding Anesthesia
Understanding Anesthesia
Understanding Anesthesia
State of the Art Equipment

In every hospital Operating Room you will find advanced monitors, complicated anesthesia machines with built in ventilators, automated medication dispensing machines and organized anesthesia supply carts. This is considered the Standard of Care for the administration of anesthesia in a safe and effective manner.
Traditionally, a dental/oral surgery office lacks both the equipment and personnel to meet the standards enjoyed within a hospital setting. Safe and effective deep sedation or general anesthesia require; an anesthesia machine and ventilator, proper monitoring equipment with end tidal gas analysis of anesthetic agents and carbon dioxide, appropriate anesthetic/emergency medications, back up resources for power, suction and the expertise to provide for any variable circumstance. Anything less is often a compromise of the efficacy of a dental procedure and/or the patients safety and well being.
McCarty Anesthesiology has developed a means of transporting the level of equipment and expertise on par with the resources found in a hospital operating room setting. One will be hard pressed to find equipment up to the standards we employ whether that be in a mobile or fixed capacity. This allows us to deliver the full spectrum of sedation and general anesthesia only matched within the hospital operating room. It is part of McCarty Anesthesiology's commitment to provide the best office based anesthesia option in the Northeast.

Dentist Anesthesiologists are considered the experts in regards to sedation and general anesthesia for dental patients of all ages and clinical needs.
Since 2007, Dr. McCarty has provided more general anesthetics within the dental office setting than any provider in New England. We are constantly striving to improve the services we provide to our dentists and our collective patients. Through self evaluation or that by our patients and colleagues, we are constantly striving to provide a better service to dentists and dental patients. Experience counts and you will not find an anesthesia provider in Massachusetts with has safely completed more dental office based anesthetics than us!

Patient Accessibility
In the dental profession, the majority of dentists do not gain an exposure to the full spectrum of minimal, moderate, deep sedation and general anesthesia. Only a fraction of dentists have access to levels of minimal or moderate sedation training. As a result, there can be a road block for patients who require sedation and general anesthesia for dental procedures but do not have a provider well versed in providing such care. When working in collaboration with Dr. McCarty, a dentist can provide their patients with the full scope of sedation and general anesthesia in a model of care that is second to none in regards to a safe and cost effective means of seeking treatment. McCarty Anesthesiology not only travels to your dentist's office, they bring all equipment, supplies and staff needed to provide a safe and effective means of access to care for you.

Staff Support
Dr. McCarty has enjoyed a long standing working relationship with a staff consisting of experienced paramedics and nurses. The staff conisists of members whose primary occupational role involves local fire department ambulances services, emergency management services instructors, helicopter flight paramedicine, and hospital emergency room experience